Thursday, May 31, 2012


Writer: TonyDoug Wright

Pencils, Inks, and Lettering: A. Kaviraj

Dr. Death character based on the story Dr Death vs The Vampire by Aaron Schutz

Champion City Comics is pleased to present the exciting conclusion to Dr Death vs The Vampire. Dr. Death has taken refuge in Las Vegas following a brutal encounter with a vampire clan. However, his refuge is short-lived due to the presence of a zombie that is terrorizing the city.



Doctor Death vs The Zombie by Tony Wright


Artist and writer, A. Kaviraj, recently sent me some images of artwork. I thought I'd share it with the dedicated readers at Champion City Comics. Enjoy.

Japanese Van Gogh


Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Comic by Bob Toben 

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Champion City Comics writer and artist, A. Kaviraj, has produced countless pieces of artwork and he recently sent me some of his Silver Age parodies. Kav's humor and alternative/indie style of work is something I have enjoyed over the past three years. I hope you enjoy these parodies as well!

Did you miss part one of the series? Click here to view. 


Monday, May 28, 2012


Comic by Bob Toben

Saturday, May 26, 2012


Cops will always lick an unknown powder then proclaim it's drugs. Real cops never do this. They wait for lab results or use the 'turn blue' field test.

Hookers will always have soft hearts, not be the real life nasty selfish chicks they are.

Doctors will stupidly use a defibrillator to start a heart, when in fact a defibrillator STOPS the heart so they can do CPR and get it beating normally again. Screenwriters are too stupid to look up the definition of 'defibrillate'.

Spies in movies will always STARE at the bad guy spy. In reality this is pretty stupid.

James Bond always tells everyone he's 'Bond. James Bond.' Real spies keep their identities secret. Duh.

Teachers in movies will always have only one class. Plus, the class lasts about 5 minutes. Students in movies are always in the class BEFORE the teacher arrives, somehow having keys to the classroom. In movies teachers don't lose their jobs for leaving the classroom unsupervised.

In movies women are always throwing themselves at men. In reality this never happens.

No one ever pays for anything in movies. They don't eat meals placed in front of them either.

Smokers in movies pretend to inhale and never ever exhale smoke. Ever.

The rule of boxing movies is the hero cannot win any fight but the last one.

In karate movies everyone knows karate. The butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker. Everyone.

No matter how hard and how often and with whatever object two people hit each other with it rarely if ever even causes a bloody nose.

Police detectives in movies will respond to service calls, for some reason having their radio tuned to 911 dispatch.

A burning building will only have the walls on fire and NO SMOKE. Remember smoke is what kills most fire victims.

Groups of thugs will only attack the hero one at a time. Bad guys who just saw the good guy demolish 10 other bad guys with ease will not hesitate to rush in and attack. In real life if you drop one bad guy the rest immediately scatter. Believe me.

In horror movies and thrillers cats are always leaping with a screech off cabinets.

In movies and comics any barrier will be impervious to bullets eg a thin tabletop.

Bullets cause sparks whenever they hit something. In real life lead never causes sparks. Neither does copper.

In Star Trek movies deflector screens deflect NOTHING.

90% of aliens are bipedal hominids.

Friday, May 25, 2012


Comic By Bob Toben 

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Champion City Comics writer and artist, A. Kaviraj, has produced countless pieces of artwork and he recently sent me some of his Silver Age parodies. Kav's humor and alternative/indie style of work is something I have enjoyed over the past three years. I hope you enjoy these parodies as well!


Wednesday, May 23, 2012


We have an updated version of Am I An A-Hole or is it Everybody Else? by Bob Toben. If you are a fan of underground comics (Harvey Pekar and R. Crumb) then this is for you.


Artist and Writer: Bob Toben

This tale follows the day-to-day adventures of Kyle who has been described a curmudgeon, a surly fellow, and a total a-hole. Maybe the people are right or maybe he's just one misunderstood dude. Take a read of the comic below and enjoy. 

Am I An A-Hole?


Comic by Bob Toben

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Kav & Tony Break it Down is nothing more than two long-time comic book readers making fun of the Golden and Silver Age Superman comics. We understand that these books were written for a juvenile audience but we could not resist reviewing these classics. Please note that no comic books were hurt during the review.

This week, we are continuing our review of Action Comics #295 titled 'Superman Goes Wild'. Did you miss part one of this series? Click here to read.

Action Comics #295 was published December, 1962. The writer was Henry Boltinoff, the pencils were by Curt Swan, and the inks were by George Klein.

Right click on each image for optimal viewing. 

Page 5 

KAV: Superman proceeds to do the Twist and wrecks all the typewriters. Everyone is shocked and no one says, "Ok calm down-it's probably another Red K effect or hypnosis machine or something". I loved seeing Supes call Perry 'Fat Stuff'.

TONY: I love how 'evil' Superman does something totally horrible like smash all of the typewriters. He's so dangerous. Every time they need Superman to act evil in the Silver Age they turn him into a giant, angry toddler. Give me a break.

Page 6 

KAV: God damn are we morons? Dixo has to explain to the readers (us) WHAT WE JUST READ. OK DC- WE GOT IT! I'm waiting for the inevitable comic where each panel explains the last panel. So, anyway, even though Perry knows Superman keeps losing it, and no one knows why, he gives him an important mission to go on. There's dumb, there's dumber, and there's DUMBEST.

TONY: In order to get Superman's trust back, they send Superman on a major mission after his typewriter tantrum? Brilliant. The Ron Paul fans had to love Superman's anti-UN rant and now they're loving Superman destroy some NASA billion dollar waste of money. Ron Paul and Supes in 2012?!

 Page 7 

KAV: Ok Superman actually kills hundreds of thousands of people now. Because there is no way that many or MORE wouldn't be killed by WORLDWIDE tidal waves. Just look how many died in the local Tsunami at Fukishima. Don't even bring up Indonesia. PS I always wondered why Atlantis has a bubble around it since it's filled with water. Maybe it's the same reason they cover dishes of food. (See Kav and Tony King Superman page). I'm picturing Chinese boxes now with bubble covering bubble covering bubble ad absurdum.

TONY: Did Superman say 'Land lubbers'? Good lord. If Superman destroys Atlantis then doesn't that mean he's gonna have Aquaman after him?

Page 8 

KAV: Superman's plan is to have his robots ENTOMB him in Kryptonite-which would effectively kill him. Why not just swallow a piece, stupid?

TONY: I love how Superman can move the moon and earth at will. "Sorry I killed all those people via massive tidal waves. Let me move the moon back to its precise position. My bad, y'all." Then The Superman Revenge Squad makes a serious mistake by telling Superman their plans. If they wanted revenge, why didn't they keep their big mouths shut?I don't understand the motives of these villains. Why waste time by using a device that doesn't turn Superman 100% evil? Just have Superman fly into a volcano and call it a day.

Page 9 

KAV: Superman flies around the world destroying famous landmarks: The Eiffel tower... The Sphinx...The Leaning Tower of Pizza...The ....Daily Planet Globe???? Wtf?

TONY: What an absolute waste of a page.

Page 10 

KAV: Suddenly there's this worldwide mad scramble for the stuff is rare...and doesn't fall out of the sky every five minutes. Brilliant.

TONY: Um, why isn't anyone contacting Lex Luthor? Need green kryptonite? Contact the dude that has the hook up! I love it when Superman goes bonkers. The Justice League is nowhere to be found and nobody decides to get in touch with Luthor or Brainiac.

Kav and I will finish this story next week and thanks for reading.

Need more Kav and Tony? 

Kav & Tony Break It Down: Action Comics #283 (Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3)

Kav & Tony Break It Down: Action Comics #311 (Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3

Kav & Tony Break It Down: Action Comics #312 (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4)

A. Kaviraj is an artist and writer at Champion City Comics. His works include Dr Death vs The Vampire, Doctor Death vs The Zombie, and The End of Paradise

TonyDoug Wright is the owner and editor of Champion City Comics. His webcomics include Dr Death vs The Zombie, The End of Paradise, and Day 165.

Monday, May 21, 2012


Comic by Bob Toben


The process of developing a comic book is not always easy. Josh Dahl and A. Kaviraj have worked together for a few years on Rapid City, a superhero comic book series. They have cranked out five issues and are ready to bring their work to the masses. In order to better understand the process between the writer and the artist then click here to see how Josh and Kav worked on some revisions for issue #4 of Rapid City. The video below shows the before and after pages.

Sunday, May 20, 2012


The Webcomic Factory is always up to something good and they recently developed a commercial for their newest webcomic, As The Mayo Turns.

Saturday, May 19, 2012


Ok this film starts out with the school geek, Andrew Detmar, who, like Peter Parker, gets picked on by everybody. As if this wasn't nerdy enough, he decides to buy a camera and start videoing everything: school, thugs, parties-which of course ensures he gets pummeled even more frequently. At a party, as he is wiping beer someone splashed on his camera off, he is approached by Steve, a good-natured black kid, who found a 'thing' in the woods which he wants Andy to film.

The 'thing' is a deep hole in the ground from which emanate strange sounds. the pacing, acting and scenes are great. High early hopes for this film. At the hole waits his cousin and non-protector, Matt.

Andy shows little interest in this amazing hole, which is strange for a guy who is going around videotaping stuff. The hole is a big cavern, in which is a giant glowing alien crystal. The crystal bestows telekinetic powers and bloody noses. Everything is 'chronicled' by Andy, Cloverfield style. Instead of finding the powers amazing, the three find them hilarious, throwing a baseball at each others noggins as they try to telekinetically stop it. What is the human fascination with super powers, I wonder? It goes back to the Greek Gods and even further. The first story ever written, Beowulf, was about a superhero and a weird super-villainous powered creature, Grendel. The archetype seems built into our DNA. I gotta think there's a reason for this. That someday, actual superheroes will exist. Ok don't call the funny farm-I'm just speculating here.

Andy's home life isn't so great-his mom is dying and his dad is an ass-sack.

So they become bullies, pulling cruel pranks on people with their powers. Till it gets real when they almost kill an ass-wipe tailgater by sending him careening into the river. This is the plot point one, which usually comes at the end of the first third of a film. Like when Peter Parker realizes after his uncle dies that with great power comes great responsibility.

After they've had the powers for about a month they finally try flying. This would have been the first thing I tried, personally. there's a fake part where they hear a plane as they are flying then it almost hits them. Since a plane travels faster than sound, the plane should have reached them before they heard it, but it's a small error. A large error is that they are flying in the clouds, which the temp and lack of oxygen would kill them. Airplane cabins are pressurized for a reason, dog.

The scenes run long, no conflict being established. I'm over halfway through the movie and NOTHING HAS HAPPENED YET. This is a bit larger error in writing. The movie starts to drag. Screenwriters take note: MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN! FAST! Especially if you're writing about people with TELEKINETIC POWERS. PS the scene where Andrew sploogies or vomits (it's unclear which it is) all over himself in the bedroom with the chick is just plain stupid. At least use realistic looking sploogie, guys (if that's what it was). Not green colored slime. Criminy.

The protagonist, Andrew is poorly written. He's a whiny little dweeb, with none of the characteristics of Joseph Campbell's 'Hero's Journey'. He starts to turn evil and in one whiny moment kills his buddy Steve. I'm not feeling this movie, man, and time is running short to redeem the plot. I'm three fourths of the way through the freakin movie. Something better happen quick or I warn you guys-you're getting a negative star rating from KAV'S DVD REVIEWS. I know you don't want that. That's the kiss of death for Hollywood. Or the Kiss of the Spider Woman, or something.

The movie finishes with an out of control Andrew battling Matt through the airspace of the city-trailed by police choppers. The fight scenes are some of the most realistic superhero aerial fight scenes ever-too bad they were wasted on a weak plot. Matt flies off to Tibet to live in peace or whatever. Weak, man. Two stars for this one, a movie that never got off the ground, even though the characters did.

A. Kaviraj is an artist and writer at Champion City Comics. His works include Dr Death vs The Vampire, Doctor Death vs The Zombie, and The End of Paradise.

Friday, May 18, 2012


Comic By Bob Toben

Thursday, May 17, 2012


In a war movie, anyone who shows his buddies a picture of his girlfriend back home, is doomed to die.
In any cop movie, in order to solve the crime, it will be necessary to visit a strip club at least once.

Whenever a female is running for her life, she will fall and 'twist her ankle'. Then she will get back up and keep running.

A new cop is always paired with his complete opposite, a loner who doesn't want a partner cause his last partner got killed. The chief will always take the cops 'off the case', but they will continue pursuing it.

A friend or associate with a scar on his face will always turn out to be the bad guy.

Cops in movies can shoot at a fleeing felon.

An air bubble in the vein is magically deadly. In reality, it's completely harmless.

In any romance, the woman will walk in on a 'misunderstanding' and bolt. Then the dude will chase her down, jump through some hoops, and get her back.

At the end of a movie, the villain will always climb some structure, chased by the hero.

A superhero will stupidly have the same circle of friends in both identities. No one can ever recognize a superhero's voice as that of their close friend.

A mean guy will always have his heart melted and become nice at the end of the movie.

The 'has been' will always rediscover himself and triumph in the end.

Homeless people are always wise, caring people rather than real life nasty spitting idiots.

A supehero who can toss a car, when punching a regular human with, say, mechanical tentacles, will do no damage at all.

Bad guys never have secret identities, when in reality they are the most in need of one.

Groups of superheros have the same effectiveness against a supervillain as a lone superhero.

Groups of superheroes will always bicker about stuff.

Whenever someone thinks a killer may be in their house they will shout 'is anyone there?'.

Women in movies will walk down a dark alley so they can get attacked so the hero can rescue them, instead of avoiding dark allies like real life women.

Whenever a woman victim smashes the killer with a vase and knocks him senseless, she will run away so he can recover and grab her again, instead of finishing him off while he's down.

People in movies always get shot in the shoulder. And it will be a harmless injury, not something that needs extensive reconstruction with lots of nerve damage.

Heroes who get shot, instead of screaming in agony, will chuckle that they're 'all right'.

A crippled hero will at the end of the movie magically heal and be running around no problem killing bad guys. 3:10 to Yuma baby.

Bad guys will kick dogs. Good guys will kick cats.

Voice over plot explanations at the beginning of a movie will signal a true suckfest.

 Scientist chicks will always be hot Penthouse models but with big glasses with flat lenses.

In a western, being shot in the gut is harmless. 3:10 To Yuma, baby.

A. Kaviraj is an artist and writer at Champion City Comics. His works include Dr Death vs The Vampire, Doctor Death vs The Zombie, and The End of Paradise.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


We have a new page for The Red Devil this week. Enjoy!


Writer: TonyDoug Wright

Pencils, Ink, Color, and Lettering: Erik Roman & Joe Haemmerle

Synopsis:  Dublin O'Darby (The Red Devil) is an international crime-fighter who   works for Sebastian Coronado, the director of an organization dedicated to combating cartels of evil. Joining The Red Devil is teenage sidekick   Charlotte Murphy (Kid Diablo). In the exciting first issue, Red Devil   and Kid Diablo track down a dangerous ninja, Silent Noise, who has stolen a mysterious ring which once belonged to a diabolical group of demon worshipers known as the Order of Methalius.




Comic by Bob Toben

Concept by TonyDoug Wright

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Kav & Tony Break it Down is nothing more than two long-time comic book readers making fun of the Golden and Silver Age Superman comics. We understand that these books were written for a juvenile audience but we could not resist reviewing these classics. Please note that no comic books were hurt during the review.

We have returned!The past two months have been hectic for projects, but it is time for more Kav and Tony. This week, we are beginning a review of Action Comics #295 titled 'Superman Goes Wild'. It was published December, 1962. The writer was Henry Boltinoff, the pencils were by Curt Swan, and the inks were by George Klein.


The Cover

Page 1 

KAV: Here we go with another one of those stories where Superman turns evil. This happens so often you'd think everyone was used to it by now but no. In the splash page I notice the Daily Planet globe is smaller than usual. I noticed this about his fortress key also-it varies in size more often than Gary Busey's bank account.

TONY: I'm not familiar with Mon-El or Jax-Ur, but I have a feeling these two are going to fight for the title of Most Memorable Assclown in A Superman Comic Book.  

Page 2 

KAV: Ok Superman comes out with the largest diamond ever-and he's going to break it into smaller diamonds. This is stupid-diamond cutters always try to keep a diamond as large as possible, only cutting it to remove flaws. This is taking a billion dollar diamond and cutting it into 103 pieces which are worth 5 million each, effectively halving its total value. Stupid.

TONY: Ron Paul supporters are already loving this comic due to the anti-UN angle. All we are missing is some speech about backing the gold standard. It's fantastic that Superman knows he is crushing something into 103 million pieces. 

Page 3 

KAV: We have Dixo of the Stupidman Revenge Squad explaining the plan to Vagu, who returns the favor by explaining back to him. Vagu calls home base and explains his plan to the boss, who warns him not to screw up. Way to motivate the troops numbnuts. If I was Vagu I would have replied "Yeah, you're right-nevermind. Instead of trying to get revenge on Superman, we'll do something else."

TONY: The Superman Revenge Squad? That's it. I'm finished. See you in two months.

Page 4 

KAV: WOW! I didn't know the media was biased in the 60's like it is today-refusing to report a negative story about a famous person they support. Pretty lame reporting guys. I hear MSNBC is hiring. Or is it firing? I get mixed it up.

TONY: I love how when they need someone in the Golden and Silver Age DC Universe, they are off doing something INCREDIBLY IDIOTIC in another galaxy or the future. Supergirl is in the future with 'The Legionnaires'? Are you kidding me? A scientific experiment? I hope they are coming back with the cures to some horrific diseases.

That's all we can handle this week, folks. We'll be back next week with more action.

Need more Kav and Tony? 

Kav & Tony Break It Down: Action Comics #283 (Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3)

Kav & Tony Break It Down: Action Comics #311 (Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3

Kav & Tony Break It Down: Action Comics #312 (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4)

A. Kaviraj is an artist and writer at Champion City Comics. His works include Dr Death vs The Vampire, Doctor Death vs The Zombie, and The End of Paradise

TonyDoug Wright is the owner and editor of Champion City Comics. His webcomics include Dr Death vs The Zombie, The End of Paradise, and Day 165.


Josh Dahl and A. Kaviraj are the creative team behind Rapid City, a superhero tale. They started off with the 11th issue last year and decided to work on the first four issues for their fans. Josh created a video featuring the diabolical villain, Maxwell Murder, who is named after a song by the great punk band, Rancid. Sit back and enjoy the video and expect more Rapid City at Champion City Comics.


Comic by Bob Toben

Concept by TonyDoug Wright

Phantom Menace is a terrible movie. That is all.

Monday, May 14, 2012


Champion City Comics artist and writer, A. Kaviraj, is a fountain of knowledge when it comes to comics. In this article, he gives you a little bit of a "Did you know?" article with a dash of a "How superheroes defy the laws of physics" article.

Did you know that in the original Superman comics everyone on Krypton had super powers because they were an advanced race? It wasn't Earth's weaker gravity and the Sun that gave Superman his powers - he already had them. Also, his suit was normal Earth cloth that he 'treated with chemicals' to make it heat resistant.

He worked at the Daily Star. There was no Jimmy Olsen. When he tried to join the army, the doctor's needle kept snapping and all this medical genius said was, 'This man has incredibly strong muscles'. In the orphanage he was tossing cribs around and years later when he became Superman no one from the orphanage stepped forward and said, 'Hey, that must have been that kid who tossed around cribs that the Kents adopted'.

There were no super-villains, just mobsters, grafters and cheaters. He helped a race car driver who was down on his luck by pushing his car at super speed to win the race. OK, he cheated so let's just call it like it was. So, if someone else fixed a race, Supes would demolish them, but when he wanted to cheat it was OK. He even killed people.

Superman has had over twenty different "S"symbols, one of which only appeared once-on the cover of Action #1. That's right, the logo on the cover was different from the one in the story. DC is still tweaking the Superman logo. Guys-take a tip from The Donald: it's all about BRANDING-stick with one logo! Batman's logo changes sometimes with each new artist. Flash-now there's a stable logo. The original Flash-Jay Garrick-wore a metal pie plate on his head and it never fell off once-I put a similar pie plate on my head and tried to just walk and it fell off almost immediately. What was so sticky about his head???

The biggest problem with most superheroes is they defy the first law of thermodynamics. WHERE for instance does all the delta G come from when Johnny Storm flames on? He generates an incredible amount of energy, and WHERE OH WHERE does it come from? Superman gets his energy from the Sun? Really? If you successfully captured every photon scrap that struck his body you could maybe use the energy to spin a small fan. Pretty much every superhero except guys like Batman have this issue.

 Batman has other issues. Mainly that he's incredibly lucky when it comes to BULLETS. That's right I said it!

Who else? Ok, Mr Fantastic. If he can stretch that means he has no rigid bones. Which means he shouldn't even be able to stand. Also if he is stretching his arm forward, how exactly is this accomplished as muscles can only pull, not push? What is the motive force that pushes his arm forward? Hmmm?

How does Ben Grimm go to the bathroom? Think about it.

How does Spiderman STAND on the side of a subway train? "Oh, he has these little hairs that come out of his hands that make him stick to walls. Really? So those hairs go through his BOOTS? And his gloves? They would get stuck and I imagine rip out painfully like some Hannibal Lecter body wax when he took his gloves off then. What projective force propels his web across the street? Real spiders can't project their webs.

Why doesn't Green Lantern carry a bucket of green paint around with him in case he has to deal with something yellow? This is simple common sense.

How does Captain America's shield change direction in mid air? An object goes straight once it's launched.

How does Mystique gain extra body mass when she changes shape? Does she gobble a bunch of burgers first because I haven't seen her do that.

 A. Kaviraj is an artist and writer at Champion City Comics. His works include Dr Death vs The Vampire, Doctor Death vs The Zombie, and The End of Paradise


Comic by Bob Toben 

Sunday, May 13, 2012


Comic by Bob Toben 

Saturday, May 12, 2012


Comic by Bob Toben

Friday, May 11, 2012


Comic by Bob Toben

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Comic by Bob Toben

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


We have an updated version of Am I An A-Hole or is it Everybody Else? by Bob Toben. If you are a fan of underground comics (Harvey Pekar and R. Crumb) then this is for you.


Artist and Writer: Bob Toben

Overview: This tale follows the day-to-day adventures of Mr. Bob Toben who has been described a curmudgeon, a surly fellow, and a total a-hole. Maybe the people are right or maybe he's just one misunderstood dude. Take a read of the comic below and enjoy. 

 Am I An A-Hole?                                                                                                   


Comic by Bob Toben

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