Showing posts with label Kav and Tony Break it Down. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kav and Tony Break it Down. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Kav & Tony Break It Down is nothing more than two lifelong comic book fans having fun reviewing pages from comic books of the Golden and Silver Age of Comics. We know these comic books were published with a young audience in mind, but we couldn't pass up the opportunity to make fun of some ridiculous plots, silly dialogue, and scientific shenanigans.

Kav sent me a page from Fantastic Four #40 which is titled "The Battle of The Baxter Building". This comic book was released in 1965 by Marvel Comics. The writer was Stan Lee, the pencils were done by Jack Kirby, the inks were done by Vince Colletta, and the lettering was done by Artie Simek. This is a classic right here, kids.

Let's take a look at a doozy of a page from this issue. Just click on the image below to read the page.

KAV: Here we see the final page of Fantastic Four #40 titled 'The Battle of the Baxter Building', wherein Dr Doom has been defeated after trying to set off a Q bomb or whatever in New York and trying to kill the FF after they lost their powers. Reed Richards, with his incredible brain power, decides to let Doom walk because he has 'diplomatic immunity' and 'shattering his ego' so that he 'may' never have enough confidence to attack again. That's a big maybe, Brainy, since you've defeated him countless times and his ego was never 'too shattered' to attack again. In fact he seems to come back each time even more pissed off, as you should have noticed with all your amazing neural capacity. As for 'diplomatic immunity', I can assure you that if Saddam Hussein tried to set of a nuclear bomb in New York City, he wouldn't be allowed to just 'walk'. It's almost like they want him free so he can come back and attack again.

TONY: Diplomatic immunity for Doctor Doom? Let's return the evil dictator back to his homeland so he can develop some more devious plans for world domination. Let's forget all his past transgressions, especially the fact that he just tried blowing up New York City which would have resulted in the deaths of millions of innocent people. On top of that he has a bruised ego. He will never do anything bad ever again because he has finally learned his lesson. ARE YOU F'ING KIDDING ME?! You're killing me, Stan Lee. YOU ARE KILLING ME. Look, I understand that the Comics Code Authority sucked all the fun out of comics in 1954, but the Fantastic Four should have placed Doom in jail so he could be tried for terrorism. If I were on the Marvel staff back in '65, I'd have written a story with Doom in jail but have Mole Man bust him out of the big house. That would have been followed by an epic battle featuring the Fantastic Four with Doom and Mole Man narrowly escaping. That's some good Silver Age stuff right there, kids.

It was fun reviewing this classic page from the team of Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. However, Kav has sent me another Fantastic Four comic book to review, so sit tight and get ready for more Kav and Tony!

Anand 'Kav' Kaviraj is a comic book artist, a comic book writer, and a comic book guru. His works include Doctor Death vs The Vampire and Rapid City.

Tony Wright is a comic book writer and the owner of Champion City Comics. His works include The Red Devil, Day 165, and Dr Death vs The Zombie

Monday, September 30, 2013


Kav & Tony Break It Down is nothing more than two lifelong comic book fans having fun reviewing the comics of the Golden and Silver Age of Comics. We know these comics were published with a young audience in mind, but we couldn't pass up the opportunity to make fun of some ridiculous plots, silly dialogue, and scientific shenanigans. 

Kav & Tony have returned after a long absence. We are going to take a few absolutely insane pages from vintage comics and review them panel by panel. Kav sent me two pages from The Flash #190 titled "Super-Speed Agent of The Flash". This comic was released in 1969 by DC Comics, the writer was John Broome, the pencils were done by Ross Andru, and the inks were done by Mike Esposito.

OK, let's take a look at pages 6 and 10 from this issue. Go ahead and read the page first by clicking on it and then check out our panel by panel breakdowns.



Panel 1 

KAV: Barry Allen/The Flash has broken his leg falling from a tornado. How it is possible for a guy who can travel at the speed of light to be thrust onto the ground without being able to react in time is a mystery. He uses "TV and radio parts" to build his elaborate apparatus. See, no matter what you need to build, all the parts will be available in a TV or radio set.

TONY: This reminds me of a Grant Morrison and Mark Millar run for The Flash where he has TWO broken legs, but that's all I remember from the run because it was one of those stories where I had to flip ahead because it was boring as hell. Barry looks very busy with his eye loupe while making a bunch of junky gadgets for Lord knows what. I've seen more quality stuff from an Erector Set.

Panel 2 

KAV: Barry explains his cockamamie plan to his wife, Iris, who is trying to keep up...with THE FLASH.

TONY: Barry's a real bossy pants and is also under suspicion for treating Iris like a sweatshop employee. Why is Iris doing all of this work? Barry could have stitched up the suit and built his junky electronic equipment in no time. Oh wait, I forgot that sewing is a woman's job. Way to be sexist, DC. "What's wrong with being sexy?" Get out of here, Spinal Tap quote!

Panel 3

KAV: Barry says, “We'll find out if your husband is an inventor or not” reminds me of Jimmy Olsen when he said, “I'm no military genius...or am I?" His suit is apparently now made of some airtight plastic, which is sweat city, and apparently even though Iris used a needle to sew up the mouth area, air cannot escape out the needle holes. WTF is “energized air”????

TONY: This is a typical Golden and Silver Age panel where someone defies the laws of physics and develops something totally idiotic. I love Barry's confidence in this panel because he believes that Iris' costume will fall from his hands and fill up with some bizarro energy. Also, would it have been a hassle to call Superman, Batman, Aquaman, Hawkman, or Wonder Woman to help out a fellow Justice League member who is injured? Sheesh!

Panel 4

KAV: So now The Flash's suit is an “automaton” just because he stuck some TRANSISTORS in it. No motors, no nothing, just TRANSISTORS with advanced voice recognition software not even available today. Hmmm...

TONY: Did Barry build the microphone from his TV and radio parts or did he just have a microphone in the house that wasn't being used? How convenient. It's funny that Golden and Silver Age superheroes can create these ridiculous items for themselves, but can't find a way to build something that feeds starving people or provides fresh water to some third world country. It's all about you, Barry. Why don't we just call you Dr. Dickenstein?

Panel 5

KAV:  Do I need to say anything about this panel???

TONY: Barry the Genius should have used his TV and radio parts to place a small camera into the suit so he could sit at home and watch the energized air Flash walk around town. He will need to follow that thing around because he has to tell it to walk straight, or turn right, or go left. Way to make things more complicated than they should be, Barry. I still see parts on that table, mister. You could have used those parts and made something else for your crazy little project.

PAGE 10:


Panel 1

KAV: OK, a balloon that kicks someone would not hurt at ALL!

TONY: Two dudes with guns are losing to faulty science suit Flash?! Don't let the NRA see this panel. Also, this Flash understands the command for, "Whirl! Right! Kick!". Give me a break. Kav's right about this substitute Flash being a balloon, which reminds me of those toys you could buy back in the day that was an inflatable punching bag. Barry should rub his Flash creation on his sweater and create some sort of crazy static cling electrical storm to take out those two bad guys for good.

Panel 2

KAV:  The absurdity of Barry Allen hiding in an alley in a wheelchair vibrating into invisibility, but still able to talk normally while he orders his balloon costume around to fight just hit me.

TONY: There's always an alley to hide in or to fight in when you are in the comic book universe. If I were the chief of police, I'd have cops strategically placed in alleys to combat crime. I'd put Superman, Batman, The Flash, Daredevil, and a whole bunch of other crime fighters out of business.

Panel 3

KAV: Yeah thugs use metaphors like “dancing phantom” while shooting at people all the time. Are these thugs or Harvard lit professors???

TONY: The dude with the gun is not even trying. He is losing to a balloon. I wonder if he understands he is fighting a balloon. Do these guys realize that the fake Flash does not have a MOUTH or EYES? #stupid

Panel 4

KAV: Oh no! The 'energized air' is escaping. I'll spare you the next page where the deflating costume is still able to stagger away somehow, plus there is a scene where a flat deflated COSTUME lies on the ground and the thugs say, "We got him now". Apparently they are unable to distinguish between a prone human being and a COMPLETELY FLAT EMPTY COSTUME.

TONY: Old school comics can't give criminals any credit. It had to be a stray bullet that took down faulty science Flash. Boo on you, DC. If the balloon version of the Flash could kick people in the face, then how could a bullet pop the costume? Wouldn't the costume have popped when it tried kicking the bad guy in the head?

Folks, that's all Kav & Tony could take with The Flash #190. We'll be back soon with another comic book to review!

Anand 'Kav' Kaviraj is a comic book artist, a comic book writer, and a comic book guru. His works include Doctor Death vs The Vampire and Rapid City.

Tony Wright is a comic book writer and the owner of Champion City Comics. His works include The Red Devil, Day 165, and Dr Death vs The Zombie

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Kav and Tony Break it Down is nothing more than two long-time comic book readers making fun of the Golden and Silver Age Superman comics. We understand that these books were written for a juvenile audience but we could not resist reviewing these classics. Please note that no comic books were hurt during the review.

Last week, we started our review of World's Finest Comics #146, which features the story 'Batman, Son of Krypton'. This comic was published in 1964 and the writer was Edmond Hamilton and the pencils were done by Curt Swan while the inks were done by Sheldon Moldoff. If you missed part one then go here to read.

Page 5 


KAV: These people are weird. Bruce and Dr Ellison speak like one sentence to each other then Dr Ellison invites Bruce to spend the night-then leaves! Some host. I hope Bruce was at least able to scrounge up some dinner. Then luckily for Bruce Dr Ellis is prone to expositional dialogue so he learns that this f**** destroyed Krypton!

TONY: Ellison is the classic old school comic book character that tries to be sneaky but gives away too many clues that he's hiding something very important. Ellison, you are not very sneaky about hiding Bruce's past with Krypton when you have a gigantic globe of Krypton in your study. 

Page 6 

KAV: We see this dude-like everyone else-has a complete supply of Kryptonite in his home. I'm telling you this stuff is more common than sand.

TONY: I love how all of the pictures have something written on them like "Bruce -El flying". I bet Ellison has a wedding picture somewhere that has written on it, "My wedding day". What a dope. 

Page 7 

KAV: Superman decides that Batman's memories of Krypton must have a sinister cause. Based on what I don't know-it seems pretty paranoid to me. But I guess if you were allergic to Kryptonite and everyone on Earth had a piece-sure, that would make you paranoid. Superman asks the phantom zone criminals if Batman came from Krypton and they cooperate with an answer. Why they are cooperative-another DC mystery. Then Batman begins to ponder how he's been disenfranchised out of super powers.

TONY: A great comic book makes you want to turn the page to see what happens next. This comic is painful to read and I read the next page to see how they bring this total b.s. story to an end. 

Page 8 


KAV: Idiot Batman and Robin blurt out the staggering truth-that dude destroyed Krypton. Why they couldn't keep their big mouths shut when they know Superman has super hearing and is prone to prying is yet another DC mystery.

TONY: I'm sorry, I fell asleep. What happened?

Stay tuned, kids! Kav and Tony return next week to review this super boring story!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Kav and Tony Break it Down is nothing more than two long-time comic book readers making fun of the Golden and Silver Age Superman comics. We understand that these books were written for a juvenile audience but we could not resist reviewing these classics. Please note that no comic books were hurt during the review.

Kav has selected World's Finest Comics #146, which features 'Batman, Son of Krypton'. This comic was published in 1964 and the writer was Edmond Hamilton and the pencils were done by Curt Swan while the inks were done by Sheldon Moldoff.

Page 1 


KAV: We see the splash-setting up the premise-as if the cover didn't already do that. Keep in mind back then DC would come up with a cover idea, then write a story around it-which may explain some of the incredible plot points they came up with...

TONY: Bruce-El? I can't wait to read how this craptacular tale unfolds.

Page 2


KAV: Superman has to leave an 'important experiment' with Batman to go observe 5 minutes of silence for doomed Krypton. We see Supergirl dangling in space stating that she will never ~choke~ forget Krypton. Glad she said this cause I thought she might forget her doomed home world since she has the attention span of an insect. Good thing the Batcave is stocked with lots of Krypton footage so Supes can mourn correctly....

TONY: Let's take five minutes of silence for Kav and Tony who have to read this god awful story. 

Page 3 


KAV: We see Batman troubled by unexplained memories of could he possibly know these things? Uh, dude-maybe it's because you and Stuporman visit the place almost weekly....duh.

TONY: The Red Tower is not at all phallic. Not at all. 

Page 4 


KAV: Suddenly Batman remembers flying as a child????! Wtf? That's a memory that slipped his mind? Criminy. In the last panel Robin ponders Batman being a Kryptonian-"OH no it can't be!" Like it's the most horrible thing in the world. What a racist.

TONY: World's Finest Comics? I dispute that claim. I really do. This just might be the most boring story we've reviewed, Kav. I need a nap.

Stay tuned, kids, we'll continue this review next Tuesday.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Kav and Tony Break it Down is nothing more than two long-time comic book readers making fun of the Golden and Silver Age Superman comics. We understand that these books were written for a juvenile audience but we could not resist reviewing these classics. Please note that no comic books were hurt during the review.

This week, we are finishing our review of Action Comics #295 titled 'Superman Goes Wild'. Did you miss part one and two of this series? Click here to read part one and click here to read part two.

Action Comics #295 was published December, 1962. The writer was Henry Boltinoff, the pencils were by Curt Swan, and the inks were by George Klein.



Kav: Superman usually flies around but whenever he's been a bad boy he walks the sidewalk so people can more easily shun him.

Tony: Wow, it's so convenient that Perry keeps green kryptonite chains in a secret vault in the basement. I'm amazed that Clark or Superman never used his X-ray vision to scan the Daily Planet.     


Kav: Superman releases some Kandorians to help him by shooting a hole in the bottle with a bullet...we learn it was all an act him going crazy and as usual he only acted crazy while sending out elaborate super-ventriloquistic orders. Too bad about all the Kandorians now being deaf from the massive explosion the bullet caused in their mini-atmosphere...sad really.

Tony: Wait...what? This is horrible writing. First of all, how does a bullet fired at least a foot or two away from the bottle doesn't cause the bottle to be more damaged than just a tiny hole? Secondly, if Superman has super ventriloquist skills, then how did the people of Kandor hear him and nobody else on earth? STUPID!   


Kav: This is perhaps the dumbest ending ever scripted. We learn that Superman used code words to initiate 'Plan 9 From Outer Space'.."One day, Perry, and I don't know why exactly dude, you will need to shackle me with fake Kryptonite...." Tony? Tony? Are you there? Talk to me Tony!!!

Tony: Plan 'P' for Perry? This was more like Plan 'C' for Craptacular. Action Comics #295 totally sucked.

Kav and I will return next week for more tomfoolery. 

Need more Kav and Tony? 

Kav & Tony Break It Down: Action Comics #283 (Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3)

Kav & Tony Break It Down: Action Comics #311 (Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3

Kav & Tony Break It Down: Action Comics #312 (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4)

A. Kaviraj is an artist and writer at Champion City Comics. His works include Dr Death vs The Vampire, Doctor Death vs The Zombie, and The End of Paradise

TonyDoug Wright is the owner and editor of Champion City Comics. His webcomics include Dr Death vs The Zombie, The End of Paradise, and Day 165.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Kav & Tony Break it Down is nothing more than two long-time comic book readers making fun of the Golden and Silver Age Superman comics. We understand that these books were written for a juvenile audience but we could not resist reviewing these classics. Please note that no comic books were hurt during the review. 

Kav and I survived the first three pages of Action Comics #283 and are ready to tackle the next three pages of this tale where Supes battles two aliens who explain everything in great detail. Enjoy!


Page 4

KAV: Of course we're heavy on the xyz letters again-is this some form of racism? Why do aliens automatically have names heavy on the xyz? Here we have Jan-Dex and Zo-Gar. Zo-Gar continues his explanation of every move he makes...this would get real annoying real fast, man. Like everyone in the future, these two miscreants know Superman's secret identity. They're always out for revenge but no one ever just shows footage of Clark changing into Superman-they come up with these elaborate plans that ALWAYS FAIL.

TONY: Are the two chameleon men devising a nasty scheme or are they competing in an old school version of Project Runway? "Make it work". Sorry boys, but guest judge,Truman Capote, said your work was "hideous" and thought you two just draped a stupid ol' costume over some ghastly red rocks. What really bothers me is that these two dopes decided to set up an elaborate trap on some deserted island rather than go directly to the Daily Planet and take out Clark Kent. If these two can travel time then they should be able to find their way around Metropolis. Kav, I agree with you on the xyz issue but I'll add another complaint that these guys report to the Cosmic King and Lightning Lord. Thumbs down on the generic ruler names.   

Page 5

KAV: These guys are so mentally challenged that they have to give themselves instructions EVEN WHEN THEY ARE THINKING? The detailed explaining to the audience of every move is really wearing out any possibility of a plot, boys. Why not just have a page that says "Something happened but Superman defeated the bad guys". That would be just as effective.

TONY: OK, I'm angry. Why did these two morons land on a deserted island, set up a kryptonite catcher, change into sea creatures, turn into cops, walk or ride to Metropolis, and then call Jimmy Olsen? This plot is incredibly absurd. Don't even get me started on the one alien calling Jimmy to take a row boat to an island for a big Superman story. He doesn't give his name, but Jimmy thinks it is a legit lead. Hey stupid, there was a reason Perry didn't want you going to the Kennedy-Khrushchev meeting.

Page 6

KAV: We have Superman doing what he does best when he's Clark-thinking about what he could do as Superman with that 'If Lois and Jimmy only knew' smirk on his face. Then they see the Red K statue but Lois and Jimmy are too special to realize it's Kryptonite. Yeah, it must be SOME OTHER GLOWING RED METEOR dressed in a Superman suit! Some reporters. Then we have more recap so the readers who don't know about Red K can get brought up to speed. Even though they've been brought up to speed, several times....So we have the guy who can see for light years bumble right up to the effective range of Kryptonite-like he ALWAYS does.

TONY: Looks like Lois and Clark were dumb enough to tag along on Jimmy's mystery lead. Forget the superpower summit, we need to get on a row boat and waste our entire afternoon checking on some silly Superman tip. Again, was it necessary to take a row boat? They could not get a ride on a ferry or possibly rent a boat from the marina?

We are not finished with this story, but we'll return Tuesday, January 24th with more KAV & TONY BREAK IT DOWN!  

Need more Kav & Tony? Check out some previous reviews below:

Kav & Tony Break It Down: Action Comics #311 (Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3

Kav & Tony Break It Down: Action Comics #312 (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4)

A. Kaviraj is an artist and writer at Champion City Comics. His works include Dr Death vs The Vampire, Doctor Death vs The Zombie, and The End of Paradise

TonyDoug Wright is the owner and editor of Champion City Comics. His webcomics include Dr Death vs The Zombie, The End of Paradise, and Day 165.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Kav & Tony Break it Down is nothing more than two long-time comic book readers making fun of the Golden and Silver Age Superman comics. We understand that these books were written for a juvenile audience but we could not resist reviewing these classics. Please note that no comic books were hurt during the review. 

Kav and I are continuing our review of Jimmy Olsen #108 titled 'The Midas of Metropolis', which was published by DC Comics in 1968. The issue was written by Leo Dorfman and featured the artwork of Curt Swan.

Did you miss part one? If so then click here to read.


Page 5

Kav: Jimmy buys out a movie theater and what's playing? Of course, it's another SUPERMAN movie. The Hollywood of Jimmy's world is even more closed minded than the real Hollywood. Mostly they crank out Superman movies. No Green Lantern or Batman movies, just Superman. Then he goes to an airport to shop for planes....we know what this means- every time Jimmy is near airplanes Lucy Lane just so happens to come of a flight and of course she is not expected to work more than one flight in a day. Also-what idiot goes out for a night on the town wearing their stewardess outfit???

Tony: The writer of this comic, Leo Dorfman, must have been on an anti-charity crusade because once again we are reminded that Jimmy can not give one single dollar to charity. But when Jimmy decides to find a loophole, he decides to help out his pathetic fan club by allowing them the opportunity to see a Superman movie with all the soda pop and popcorn they desire. I guess buying out a restaurant and having a bunch of homeless people come in for dinner on Jimmy was not a good idea. If I ever strike it rich, I can go shopping for airplanes at the Metropolis Airport. Apparently, it does not violate any Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) rules to have air traffic controllers talking over the airwaves about Jimmy Olsen's wealth. This is one goofball city.  

Page 6

Kav: This is a rare event- a Silver Age Curt Swan full panel page! And there's Frankie Paradise singing away. Check out the HUGE orchestra pit, man! Is this a nightclub or an ice hockey rink??? Lucy says, 'I'll never forget this moment', but she will, as soon as she sees another hunky pilot with a pencil mustache....that ho.

Tony: This comic may have been written in 1968 but we have writers stuck in 1958 because they have Jimmy and Lucy check out an unnamed artist that looks like Frank Sinatra and sings a song that sounds like a Sinatra classic. Those DC cats knew how to avoid copyright issues by changing the song from 'Young at heart' to 'Young in heart'. Well all know that Lucy would dump Jimmy for the Chairman of the Board in the blink of an eye. Also, way to be with the times, DC comic book writers. It is 1968 and Jimmy should take Lucy to the Filmore Metropolis to see Big Brother and the Holding Company or The Jimi Hendrix Experience. Lucy would totally dump Jimmy for Jimi.   

Page 7

Kav: The use of large panels in this story is really unusual for Swan-I'm thinking he was trying to go large to show wealth-and it works! Why Jimmy needs to take the racehorse on a 'tryout trot' when time is of the essence is beyond me.

Tony: Jimmy gets Sinatra for his lady and all he gets is a kiss? You should close the deal, Jimmy. Click here to hear what I think about Lucy. I love the portable computer that calculates Jimmy's spending spree. After all of his nonsense buying a gold Rolls Royce and hiring Frank Sinatra, he has spent a whopping quarter of a million. Why couldn't he give more money to Sinatra? He is three quarters of a million dollars away from his goal, so he decides to buy a horse. What an idiot. Yachts are more expensive, airplanes are more expensive, and commercial property is more expensive. There seems to be no rhyme or reason in purchasing big ticket items in Metropolis, Jimmy. You should have purchased the Metropolis Colosseum when you were there with      

Page 8

Kav: Here we have another mythical scene-the 'two-millionth customer' prize. Have you ever heard of this type of thing happening in real life? This is 1968 and I really doubt that for years the toll workers were making a pencil scratch for every vehicle which went by or that they wouldn't have said something to their friends about the upcoming cash event when they got down to like the 1,999,900th car.

Tony: Jimmy is slowly making his way to the $20,000 prize and not one single car decides to pass Jimmy and take the money? I would expect Luthor to come in and take the money so he could build some device to weaken Superman. Oh well, looks like Jimmy has a famous problem. I can't wait to see how this spending spree continues.


Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Kav & Tony Break it Down is nothing more than two long-time comic book readers making fun of the Golden and Silver Age Superman comics. We understand that these books were written for a juvenile audience but we could not resist reviewing these classics. Please note that no comic books were hurt during the review. 

Kav and I decided to give the Superman and Action Comics titles a break, so this week we are starting our review of Jimmy Olsen #108 titled 'The Midas of Metropolis'.


Page 1

Kav: OK, we see Jimmy is rich in this story. Of course any rich guy has to sit out in front of a motel watching flamenco dancers on TV with his gold Rolls Royce and a ROCKET in the courtyard.

Tony: It's funny to see Superman flying in with a basket of cash for Jimmy who is dressed like Thurston Howell, III from Gilligan's Island. After reading this first page, it seems to me that Jimmy's crib already rivals that of Master P's crib and MC Hammer's 'Hammer Time' circa 1991. Apparently, Jimmy purchased these items without paying for them first. I guess in the DC Universe one can purchase a hotel, rocket, a gold Rolls Royce, a horse, etc by saying, "I'll take it, and Superman will deliver the cash in the morning".   

Page 2

Kav: Jimmy is told how hard it is to spend money-guess Washington didn't get  the memo-and that if he can spend a million in 24 hours he gets another million. He can only spend 50 grand max on each item. OK numbnuts-don't screw this up-you need to buy 20 items at $50K each.

Tony: Looks like the 'Gospel of Wealth' philosophy went out the window with this comic book, folks. Also, I have a feeling someone watched or read the novel Brewster's Millions. Instead of doing the right thing like giving money to charity or to his family, Ron Hilton, a millionaire playboy, decides to teach Jimmy Olsen a lesson from the grave. It is the second page and I'm already at a Lewis Black level of rage. It's not hard to spend money, Ron. It's very easy to squander money on useless gadgets and junk. Most of you have watched MTV Cribs and have seen large amounts of cash wasted on Scarface and Kiss memorabilia. I'm amazed that someone wasted time putting a silly game into their will. Jimmy Olsen needs to call Charles Barkley and MC Hammer to see how he can lose a million dollars in 24 hours.   

Page 3

Kav: I guess Superman wasn't busy in 'another galaxy' because here he is working as a security guard at a dead rich dude's house. Supes explains that he's been asked to guard the money and act as an errand boy for this whole deal. I didn't know you could just ask Superman to do stuff for you. "Hey Supes-can ya squeeze me a bag of high quality diamonds? Oh yeah and go into the earth and grab me a boulder gold nugget". Then Jimmy says, "Great Supey when I need you I'll signal with my watch like", Jimmy? Why did you have to demonstrate to Superman how the watch works-he built the damn thing.

Tony: Thumbs down to Superman for being some dead guy's bitch. Double thumbs down to Jimmy for being the dumbest man on the planet by not breaking the rules to help the needy. Good luck wasting money, Jimmy. Remember, don't give it to homeless shelters, hospitals, medical research centers, orphanages, battered women's shelters, starving children, dying children, the unemployed, non-profits, etc.  

Page 4

Kav: OK, WTF? Jimmy immediately buys a high end 'wardrobe'. I guess this doesn't count as 'more than one of the same thing' as the rules specified...if so, stop right there Jimmy. Your mission is over. Just tell the owner of that establishment to provide '"one million dollars worth of clothes." OK, then Olsen buys a gold Rolls. This mythical car exists only in comic showrooms, to be purchased by people who just got rich. I know because I went to my local Rolls dealer and there was not a single gold plated model on the lot. So I left. PS the artwork in this issue is stupendous. Look at the last panel man. Great job Curt Swan and George Klein. This was before Google and all those drawings were freehanded.

Tony: Olsen starts with clothes and that's a rookie mistake. Go big, dummy. Buy the mansion, if there is one circa 1950s/60s, in that price range. Make sure that property is located next to a body of water and purchase a few yachts. Once you've purchased a place to live then fill it with the expensive art and high-end furniture and appliances. Then buy one of every car available at the car dealership. Not only can you buy a gold Rolls Royce in the comic book world, but you can purchase art from a public gallery. Nice. I'm sure the person that donated those gifts to your art gallery are pleased that they were purchased by some buffoon who is playing a game with some dead guy's money.  

We'll end there for today, but stop back next time to see what Jimmy does with his millions.

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